[[How I Built This Site]] contains a summary of the technology behind the website.
- Deploy from Github, what's the best way to link Github so that the theme deploys as well?
- Image optimization, read up on Cloudinary as a better image hosting platform.
- Fix image load time
- Footer, maybe one that appears at the bottom of the page on scrolling with contact links. Is it really necessary?
- Web-design pages - what's the best way to showcase web-design/code projects?
- Write content for each work page, as well as the archive pages
- Design the home page and the content that goes in that. Is it better to re-direct the home page to the work page and avoid a conventional "landing" page? What value does a home page add in the case of this website?
- Graph-Overview
- Figure out the styling / animation for the graph overview
- Consider moving the archive page into a separate section of it's own, while still allowing a cycle through of all the pages using Next––Previous.
- Find an appropriate workflow - what's the best way to "write" content and have it deployed to the site with the least amount of friction?
- Migrate psychology and philosophy course notes
Larger Features
- Publish status - only add notes with a "publish status", might be useful if I'm just exporting notes from a specific software.
- Consider backlinks for dates: this will work in any main markdown file but needs to be implemented in the frontmatter, for all dates to be displayed. Very similar to how tags are working right now.
- Collapsible bullets - as the page length increases, it might be nice to have bullets that collapse to get a better outline of the notes
- Don't save scroll position, revert to top of the page on click?
- Learn about styled components and styling in Gatsby to make CSS more efficient.
- Make embedded videos responsive
- Content for work and about pages
- Content for 404 page
- Remove "embeds" from imported files
- CSS on some pages takes a long time to load
- First Deploy
- Read up on how to deploy using netlify/github pages/heroku and get the website running
- embed videos?
- consider/create an "archive page" - similar to the work page, but containing old projects/unfinished projects as well
- Bugs
- remark-relative-images throws an error "path" of type string.
- graph-overview needs "window" to be defined during Gatsby Build.
- Fix the graph overview for SSR
- Header Design - what's the best way to display the header? Seems a bit out of place right now with the scrolling underneath the header. Is it okay to have the header behave differently in the work page?
- Fix responsiveness of All Pages on mobile and other minor alignment issues
- Overall responsive CSS adjustments
- Create a page for “All-pages”
- Custom path for all-pages that can be linked to using double brackets. Currently using an external link in the format of
[All Pages](../all-pages)
- Custom path for all-pages that can be linked to using double brackets. Currently using an external link in the format of
- Create name from slugs, opposite of create slug from name
- Date + Tags field
- Get Date field working
- Remove the tags and date elements when they are empty
- Fix a bug in outbound references link - directly goes to src/pages/{name} instead of the required location on the first try, figure out what's causing it first.
- Component shadowing, get the theme working from inside the main folder instead of node-modules.
- Add a header element for navigation
- Create pages for each tag, and allow users to click on the tags to view all pages of each tag
- Fix thumbnails
- Links + thumbnails of work in the main Work page
- CSS changes/adjustments?
- footer including previous project, next project and back to projects
- footer not working for prev of 0 and next of last
- How I Built This Site
If you're curious to see what aspects of the website I'm currently working on, check out [[Website To-Do]]