• Initial Notes on Veganism
    • [[Philosophy in theology]] #religion
      • What is it like studying theology as an atheist?
        • There is a bit of detachment when it comes to studying religion.
        • It is just writing - it can be engaged with in the same way philosophical texts.
        • It's just like studying history while being an atheist. Yes, history is influenced by religion, but they are still independent.
      • Religious morality is the problem, not religion.
        • You wouldn't assume an atheist is less moral. You may think that they have less grounding for the morality.
        • If you think that you need religion to be moral, why is that the case? Why should you listen to God?
          • Commands can't have truth value.
          • The same problems that you get trying to ground morality in God, the same problems you get trying to do it without God.
        • The only people who are convincing people that if you are an atheist you can go around without being a moral person/morality are the religious. That's because of the way religious people are branding atheists. Atheists can ground morality almost better than those with religion, because they have actually thought about it, and don't blindly believe in God.
      • People who are atheists are some times more theocratic or "religious" in their atheism. [[Richard Dawkins]]. People just look for religion in other aspects of the world trying to "fill" that space religion was in.
        • That just goes to show that religion has monopolized the idea of social cohesion. People aren't striving for religion, they're looking for connection with their creatures, and to do something productive for the world. Some people believe that's trying to go vegan, or throwing yourself into a football team. You've been brainwashed into thinking that as soon as someone tries to find support in a community and do good for the society is religion.
          • If that's what religion is, then any social becomes religious. And if everything is religious, then nothing is religious. That's watering down the meaning of religion then.
      • What is the essence of religion? What makes a religion a religion?
        • Scholars too find this hard to figure out and define.
      • If you grow up in a society that makes you think that your worth or meaning comes from God or religion, then when you give up that belief, of course you're going to be looking to fill that gap.
      • You can find moral worth grounded in what is reality.