• Still reading, still collecting


  • The Socratic Method, Rick Garlikov

    • Discusses "The Socratic Method" of teaching - allowing students to arrive at an answer by asking only questions. This was an experiment held at a school to teach kids binary.
    • Education, teaching, learning
  • How I Got My Attention Back, Craig Mod

    • Technology is commanding our attention in infinite, insurmountable loops. A country trip off-grid helped me escape.
  • In Praise of the Gods, Simon Sarris

  • The Greatest Privilege We Never Talk About: Beauty, Saeid Fard

    • A really well written article about beauty and beauty standards - feels like the author articulated a lot of subconscious thoughts and things I've been trying to say all along.
  • The Trouble With Optionality, Mihir Desai

    • Think this was written quite some time ago, but it's a short article about how we always try to maximize our options and make sure our paths are open and never closed off and how that's not always the best option. I think it was really good for someone like me - the kind who always wants options and doesn't want to close things off by making a decision - to read just because of the way he talks about it.